Into the Brew Pot

A brewing journal and some recipes. Most of these recipes use extract with steeped grains, but a couple are mini-mash recipes that mash a few pounds of grains. Unless stated otherwise, I boil bittering hops for an hour, flavoring hops for 15 minutes, and aroma hops for a minute or less. I use whole-flower hops, unless otherwise stated. I always use either 1 oz. of Irish moss, or a Whirfloc tablet as a clarifying agent, added during the last 15 minutes of the boil.

March 12, 2009

Spiced Hard Cider

Recipe makes 1.5 gallons

1.5 gallons all-natural apple juice
2 cups orange juice
1.25 cups brown sugar
0.5 lb honey

5 Cinnamon sticks
0.25 tsp ground cloves (or 15 whole)

Champagne yeast - 1 pkg
