Into the Brew Pot

A brewing journal and some recipes. Most of these recipes use extract with steeped grains, but a couple are mini-mash recipes that mash a few pounds of grains. Unless stated otherwise, I boil bittering hops for an hour, flavoring hops for 15 minutes, and aroma hops for a minute or less. I use whole-flower hops, unless otherwise stated. I always use either 1 oz. of Irish moss, or a Whirfloc tablet as a clarifying agent, added during the last 15 minutes of the boil.

April 10, 2006

California Amber Ale #3

Once again, I brewed the California amber ale for the Harvest Moon cabin party, October 2005. Lasted almost 30 hours. Hoppy doesn't even begin to describe this beer.

Grain bill (steep for 30 min at 155°F)
4 oz Carapils
8 oz Crystal (60°L


7 lb Pale LME

Hop schedule

Bittering2 oz Cascade (6.3%AA)
0.5 oz Magnum pellets (14.4%AA)
0.5 oz Nugget (12.7%AA)
Flavoring0.5 oz Willamette
Aroma 0.5 oz Willamette


White Labs California Ale (WLP001)
