Into the Brew Pot

A brewing journal and some recipes. Most of these recipes use extract with steeped grains, but a couple are mini-mash recipes that mash a few pounds of grains. Unless stated otherwise, I boil bittering hops for an hour, flavoring hops for 15 minutes, and aroma hops for a minute or less. I use whole-flower hops, unless otherwise stated. I always use either 1 oz. of Irish moss, or a Whirfloc tablet as a clarifying agent, added during the last 15 minutes of the boil.

April 10, 2006

Donnybrook Strong Belgian Ale

A bit of an experiment, this barleywine-turned-strong-belgian ale is a high-gravity, malty treat that tastes great with spicy thai food or as a dessert.

Grain bill (steep for 60 min at 155°F)
8 oz Carapils
8 oz Caravienne
8 oz Special B
8 oz Vienna

2 lb Orange blossom honey

12 lb Ultralight LME

Hop schedule

Bittering4 oz Kent Goldings (6.0%AA)
1 oz Cascade (6.3%AA)


Wyeast Trappist High Gravity
White Labs Edinburgh Ale (WLP028)

O.G. = 1.109
F.G. = 1.030

Note: Fermentation stopped at 1.040 after one week. Roused yeast with no effect. Pitched dry champagne yeast and it restarted. Rested for 6 months. Used 1 cup dark LME and another package of dry champagne yeast before bottling.

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